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Main languages (L1) (multi-select)
Audiovisual Translation Mode
The audiovisual translation mode(s) used in the AV work can be the following:
Length (minutes)
Year (multi-select)
Country of production
Producers or production company
Written by
Captions by
Audio Description By
Sign language translation/interpreting by
Translation for Voice Over By
Sign Language (SL) (multi-select)
Languages of transaltion (L2) (multi-select)
Secondary languages (L3) (multi-select)
Linguistic function of the sign language. It can be:
The realism of sign language interpreting. It can be:
It is related to the role that the interpreter/translator has within the film. It can be:
It is related to the source of the message that is translated/interpreted. It can be:
It is related to the communicative intention of the translation/interpreting, it can be:
Type of translation / interpreting
It is related to the timing in which the translation/interpreting takes place regarding the original message:
It refers to the creative possibilities of sign languages to enable an artistic communication. For this purpose, there is a creative use of sublexical items (manual configuration, movement, etc.) and the structure of the sign language could be altered.
It refers to an artistic collaboration between signers and non-signers or between the people in charge of the signing in the production and other members of it (who could be signers or not).
It refers to the artistic use of external resources (lighting, outfits, make-up, editing of the video...) that are not linked directly to the sign language, but that contribute to the creativity of the message.