Welcome to the accessible filmmaking database.

This database includes audiovisual works classified in different categories

Audiovisual works created with a broad concept of accessible filmmaking—in other words, audiovisual works in which media translation and accessibility are taken into account early on in the production process and, therefore, accessibility and translation are two integrated audiovisual elements and not afterthoughts—.

Audiovisual works that feature sign language, either as the main language or as a secondary language.

This database was partially funded by the ALMA network.

The AV works here have been categorised by Ana Tamayo and Andrea Tendero López and some of the creators may not feel their work fits with the concept, or approach, of accessible filmmaking. If you would like your work to be removed from this database, please get in touch and we will amend accordingly.

While acknowledging the inherent risks of categorical thinking, we recognize that the benefits derived from publishing this database far outweigh potential drawbacks.

Contact us:

"The AV works here have been categorised by Ana Tamayo and Andrea Tendero López and some of the creators may not feel their work fits with the concept, or approach, of accessible filmmaking. If you would like your work to be removed from this database, please get in touch and we will amend accordingly."

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